"Everyone is here because
he or she has a place to fill,
and every piece must fit itself
into the big jigsaw puzzle".

Deepak Chopra


We are accredited Provider since 2010 (Standard since 2014) according to the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program – ID nr. 490, qualified to deliver RES and FAD CME Training courses for Health Professions.


We are specialized in training courses on cadavers,
which provide a better knowledge of human anatomy,
a fundamental requirement
for proper execution
of medical profession.


In 13 years of activity, we have organized more than
500 events in Italy and abroad.
We offer complete and competent organization from the birth
of the idea to the closing of the event.

CME Provider and specialized training

A&R Eventi was born in 2010 from the desire of Clara Verlicchi, founder and owner, who decided to create her own company, taking advantage of the skills acquired through years of work in the conference industry, with a focus on medical-scientific training, becoming accredited in 2011 as CME Provider – ID. 490.

Focusing its own efforts on this sector, in 2014 A&R Events qualified as a national standard CME Provider, accredited with the National Commission for Continuing Medical Education.

Aware of the importance and need to avail itself of an organizational system capable of guaranteeing the quality of the services performed and the satisfaction of its customers, A&R Eventi is maintaining an active Quality Management System.



Cadaver Lab

Higher Medical-Scientific Education Projects

By practicing on cadavers, Participants will have the opportunity to gradually acquire a great deal of manual dexterity that is useful for the independent and safe performance of medical practices.

Therefore, we have established and consolidated an academic collaboration with the Maltese University, which is very experienced in this method.

To date, we have already organized numerous editions, involving doctors with different specialties.

Last major success was M.I.C. 2022 – Malta Interactive CadLab, geared toward the practice of infiltrative therapy.



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